Head Office Žilina

Building production

3 Energy SK, s. r. o.
K cintorínu 36
010 04  Žilina
Slovenská Republika


IČO: 51039508, DIČ: 2120572872, IČ DPH: SK2120572872

Email: obchod@3energy.sk 


GPS company headquarters coordinates:
49°11'28.7"N 18°43'11.7"E
49.191312, 18.719927


Contact Information

Managing director

Martin Macura
Managing director

Tel.: +421 907 809 284
E-mail: info@3energy.sk

Building construction and project management

Ing. František Zicho
Director of building construction, project preparation and implementation

Tel.: +421 911 420 416
E-mail: frantisek.zicho@3energy.sk 

Sales and marketing department

Ing. Matej Pius
Director of Sales and Marketing

Tel.: +421 948 066 535
E-mail: matej.pius@3energy.sk

Technical department

Ing. Matej Frtús
Construction management and design activities - Electrical

Tel.: +421 949 125 934
E-mail: projekcia@3energy.sk 

Economic and personnel department

Eva Sucháňová
Invoicing, personnel clerk, management assistant

Tel.: +421 948 763 901
E-mail: office@3energy.sk

Construction preparation department

Ing. Martina Mišutková
Construction preparation

Tel.: +421 948 005 295
E-mail: martina.misutkova@3energy.sk

Budgets and Calculations Department

Ing. Gabriela Čanecká
Construction budgeter

Tel.: +421 948 608 868
E-mail: kalkulacie@3energy.sk

Factory Krásno nad Kysucou

Engineering production

3 Energy, s. r. o.
Výrobno-skladová hala spoločnosti 3 Energy, s.r.o.
Súpisné číslo 2196, Priemyselný park Krásno nad Kysucou
Krásno nad Kysucou
Slovenská Republika

Billing address:

3 Energy, s.r.o., Pri cintoríne 36 010 04 Žilina
IČO: 45293619, DIČ: 2022934298, IČ DPH: SK2022934298

Email: obchod@3energy.sk 

GPS company headquarters coordinates:
49°23'59.4"N 18°49'55.0"E
49.399837, 18.831932


Contact Information

Sales and marketing department

Ing. Matej Pius
Director of Sales and Marketing

Tel.: +421 948 066 535
E-mail: matej.pius@3energy.sk


Lukáš Thirer
Business Manager

Tel.: +421 949 173 150
E-mail: thirer.lukas@3energy.sk


Personnel department

Bc.Andrea Sibylová
Tel.: +421 948 957 221
E-mail: andrea.sibylova@3energy.sk


Production department

Michal Sapieta
Manager of Production and Logistics Processes

Tel.: +421 948 646 124
E-mail: michal.sapieta@3energy.sk 

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Implemented construction projects



MWp of PV installations



LED street lights installed

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